Home Issues Past Issues MCS 2010 Issue 2 Defining Moments in Modern Chinese History: A Forum
Defining Moments in Modern Chinese History: A Forum
What might be regarded as defining moments in modern Chinese history? Scholars of modern Chinese history have conventionally accepted certain pivotal events, developments, ideas, or individuals that have had a significant impact on the development of Chinese history. Traditional examples include the Opium War, the 1911 Revolution, the Communist victory in 1949, the Cultural Revolution of 1966, and the role of Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek or Mao Zedong. Yet many seemingly less momentous events or periods from 1800 to the present-day have undoubtedly turned out to be crucial to the construction of the nation’s identity and our understanding of modern Chinese history. These moments have altered lives of individuals, families, and communities, and led China to where it is today. The concept of defining moments, therefore, is subject to more inclusive approaches, which will enable us to find potential meanings of the past and to re-examine various aspects of Chinese society that may otherwise be overlooked.