Home Issues Past Issues MCS 2011 Issue 1 Types of Intergenerational Interaction in East Asian Families
Types of Intergenerational Interaction in East Asian Families
Abstract: The East Asian region is experiencing rapid aging process. The traditional filial norm often confronts with the modernization impact which results in structural changes in the family and in the intergenerational interaction. Data are taken from the 2006 East Asian Social Survey. This study investigates what are types of intergenerational interactions for adult children who do not co-reside with parents in four East Asian countries, China, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Relying on intergenerational solidarity theory, this study uses latent class analysis (LCA) to develop a typology based on two dimensions of intergenerational solidarity: Associational solidarity (frequency of contact) and functional solidarity (instrumental and financial support exchange). This study compares the types of intergenerational interactions between China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and describes the geographic distance between generations , resources of adult children and parental needs in the types of intergenerational interaction.