Home Issues Past Issues MCS 2012 Issue 2 The Causes of Corruption in Mainland China Analysis of the Endogenous and Exogenous Variables
The Causes of Corruption in Mainland China Analysis of the Endogenous and Exogenous Variables
Abstract: Corruption is one of the major issues that hinder the national governance and national development of Mainland China. Scholars of development studies in China have paid much attention in this issue. Also, the Chinese government tries to impose effective control to prevent corruption from damaging Communist Party rule. Taking these factors into account, this paper is going to present, through analysis and induction, all of the possible factors which have resulted in China s political corruption. These corruption factors, though complex and diverse, can be categorized into two major types: intrinsic and extrinsic. This paper also reckons that “the existence of a solicitous margin”, “a weak monitoring and countering mechanism”, “opportunistic cost of lesser corruptive act”, “the motivation of government pillage”, “the absence of a positive official motivation system”, and “the disturbance of a negative motivation system against corruption” are among the major intrinsic variables which have led to government officials’ political corruption, while “administrative monopolization” is an extrinsic variable which has exacerbated the problem of corruption. If, in fact, they are indeed the key factors leading to corruption within China, then finding solutions to them could be a feasible way to curtail the government officials’ corrupt practices.