Founded in 1990, Modern China Studies 《当代中国研究》 (MCS) is a peer-reviewed international journal focusing on current issues in contemporary China, published biannually featuring articles in either the Chinese or English language. It is the only scholarly journal that publishes articles in the Chinese language edited by a global editorial team of leading China scholars worldwide. Fields of interest include politics, economics, business, law, sociology, culture, international relations, environment protection, modern history, and humanities. Readers of MCS include scholars, researchers, analysts, policymakers, and people who are interested in China affairs. Submissions will go through a double-blind peer-review process, and we strive for a short review circle and provide constructive comments.
Scholars who have published in MCS include Hung-dah Chiu, John C. Fei, Zhaohui Hong, Jeffrey Sachs, Guoqiang Tian, Arthur Waldron, Shaoguang Wang, Wing Thye Woo, Guoguang Wu, Xiaokai Yang,Gang Yi, Ying-shih Yu, Yongnian Zheng, and Xueguang Zhou, among others.
Editor in Chief
Shaomin Li, Old Dominion University
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