Home Issues Current Issue Desperately Seeking Status:Political, Social and Cultural Attributes of China's Rising Middle Class
Desperately Seeking Status:
Political, Social and Cultural Attributes of China's Rising Middle Class

Abstract: The emerging middle class represents China’s economic and social elite. This study examines its political, social, and cultural attributes. The middle class has not shown a strong predisposition to be a driving force in leading political and social changes, but is more concerned about social and economic issues that immediately affect its social and economic interests. The research also shows that there is not a vibrant civic life and associational life among the middle class citizens. Because of its increasing purchasing power, the middle-class is reshaping China’s urban consumer and popular culture. It asserts its economic and social status by conspicuous consumption in purchases of housing, home furnishing, art, and leisurely activities.
The author wishes to acknowledge support for the surveys provided by the University Research Committee and the Young Investigators Research Program at Baylor University. The author wants to thank Anne Schultz for suggesting the title for the article and Candi Cann for sharing her suggestions for the article.
Current Issue
MSC cover 2021-issue2
ISSN 2160-0295 (Print)
ISSN 2160-0317 (Online)