Home Issues Current Issue The Marginalization of Marxism in Contemporary China
The Marginalization of Marxism in Contemporary China
Abstract: Since Mao’s death in 1976, Marxism as the foundation of the Chinese Communist Party has changed in an unprecedented way. The reform in China is in fact repudiating Marxism, not affirming it. The reform in China in the 1976-1989 era saw the most severe undermining of Marxism. After 1989, the economic reform in China has made substantial headways so that Marxism and the organization of Chinese Communist Party retreated from the economic sphere. Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party has made a series efforts to save Marxism from being marginalized, without much success. It is clear that the Chinese Communist Party cannot restore the glory of Marxism enjoyed before 1976, although it never admits its defeat. This forces the party to adopt a strategy that upholds Marxism’s de jour paramount position and accepts its de facto defeat, thus saving the face of Marxism.
Current Issue
MSC cover 2021-issue2
ISSN 2160-0295 (Print)
ISSN 2160-0317 (Online)